One of the most enchanting legends about the discovery of coffee originates from the Kaffa region, in modern-day Ethiopia. The story centers around a shepherd named Kaldi, who lived over a thousand years ago.
It is said that one day, Kaldi noticed unusual behavior in his goats. After eating the bright red berries from an unfamiliar shrub, they began leaping with energy, as if dancing. Curious, Kaldi decided to try the mysterious fruit himself. Soon after, he felt a surge of energy and alertness that left him intrigued.
Kaldi shared his discovery with a nearby monk. According to the legend, the monk initially threw the berries into the fire, deeming them demonic. However, the captivating aroma of roasting coffee beans quickly changed his mind. Intrigued, the monks brewed a drink from the beans and found it helped them stay awake during their nighttime prayers. Thus, coffee began to be revered as a divine gift.
Over the centuries, this legend has been passed down through generations, adding to coffee's mysterious and magical allure. While there is no historical evidence to support this tale, it remains one of the most beloved myths about coffee's origins.